English IQ 3 Student's Book
English IQ Student’s Book contains 10 units, each comprised of four distinct organised lessons. Students can organise their learning aims with confidence thanks to the special profile pages in each unit. All key language is presented in context through motivating texts and humorous videos. Varied and achievable tasks ensure that students build up vocabulary and communicative skills, while grammar and functions are presented through learner interaction and then practised and recycled throughout. Special attention is paid to developing all four skills, with separate CLIL lessons

English IQ 3 Workbook
English IQ Workbook features:
• carefully-paced practice on all aspects of language presented in the Student’s Book.
• a large variety of tasks, from more controlled to freer activities to encourage personalisation.
• additional practice in the format of Cambridge tests acting as a gentle introduction to the examinations.
• a strong emphasis on skills development, with a distinct focus on reading and ample opportunities for guided writing.
• a special Study Mate feature that raises learners’ awareness on common difficulties.
• a robust lexis and structure recycling scheme both within each lesson and in the separate Review sections.

English IQ 3 Teacher's Book
English IQ Teacher’s Book is a complete guide for teachers using any component of English IQ. It includes a detailed introduction to the methodology of the course with suggestions on lesson organisation, classroom techniques, materials, etc. A special section of the Teacher’s Book is the Walk-through Unit where the Student’s Book structure, the lesson sections and all key features are succinctly presented in an at-a-glance visual demonstration. The Teacher’s Book contains thorough guidance for every unit in the Student’s Book, with lesson aims, detailed notes for each activity, answers to all the tasks and additional optional activities.
The Teacher’s Book also includes:
• the complete Audioscripts for all listening tasks in the Student’s Book and Workbook.
• the complete Answer Key for all tasks in the Workbook.
• the complete Answer Key and Audioscript for the Test Book.

English IQ 3 Audio