ISBN-13: 9789963264964
Tip Top Pupil’s Book includes:
• charming and amusing cartoon stories, songs and chants accompanied by a wide range of fun activities, games and hands-on crafts.
• simple, varied and enjoyable activities which are always manageable for very young learners.
• lessons which gradually introduce vocabulary and simple structures as well as the English alphabet and numbers.
• regular revision sections.
• opportunities for curriculum-based learning.

ISBN-13: 9789963264988
Activity Book
- activities that practise vocabulary and structures in a fun way. The activities include colouring, tracing and matching activities
- fun number recognition, sequencing and counting activities, as well as guided number handwritting practice on staves.
- handwriting practice of lower and upper case letters on staves.
- Craft activities at the end of the book which develop art skills and awareness while practicing the language of the unit in a fun way.

Tip Top 1 Teacher's Book
ISBN-13: 9789925550005
Teacher's book
- clear and easy -to-follow teaching notes for the Pupil's Book and the Activity Book.
- detailed lesson objectives and materilas guide.
- audioscripts.
- Progress Tests.
- extra activities and alphabet practice.

Tip Top 1 Alphabet Flashcards
ISBN-13: 9789925550128

Tip Top 1 Vocabulary Flashcards
ISBN-13: 9789925550142

Tip Top 1 Interactive Whiteboard Software
ISBN-13: 9789925550036
Interactive Whiteboard Software
The Teacher's Tool on IWB software allows teachers to use and present the course in an interactive way. It includes:
- All Pupil's Book and Activity Book pages
- Audio-visual presentation of new vocabulary (flashcards)
- Fully interactive activities and games
- Posters and activities
- Fully interactive animated presentation of new vocabulary
- Enjoyable animated stories and songs

Tip Top 1 Class CDs
ISBN-13: 9789925550029
Classroom Audio CDs
The class Audio CD has recordings of all the audio meterial in the Pupil's Book